Accounts - New User Account Filter Dropdown Menu

The New User Account Filter Dropdown Menu feature makes it easier for you to go through the different user accounts by letting you search for them by account type. This gives you the ability to filter the accounts and eliminate the need to go through the list one user at a time.

The Account Type dropdown menu contains the following user categories:

  • All - Gives you access to all the user accounts regardless of account type.
  • IBOS - Provides a list of user accounts that fall under the IBOS account type.
  • Employee - Allows you to see all the user accounts under the Employee account type.
  • Salesperson - Enables you to browse through the accounts tagged as Salesperson.
  • Vendor - Lists down the user accounts that fall under the Vendor account type.
  • B2B - Provides a list of all B2B user accounts.
  • B2C - Displays a list of all B2C user accounts.

To access this feature, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Log in as Web Administrator.
  2. Go to My Account and click on the Web Admin link at the lower left-hand corner.
  3. Once inside the Web Admin section, go to Accounts and click on Users.
  4. Click on the Account Type dropdown menu to access the list of different user types.

