ECommerce - Business Management - Locations

The Location feature gives you the ability to set up and view your company’s different business locations. Each one has its own profile page where you can input information about a particular branch.

All information entered in your business locations will be reflected in the Invoices, Quotes, Jobs, Statements, and Order sheets requested by your customers using IBOS’ Print To PDF feature.

The Location feature also comes with a number of search filters that will make it easier for you to find a particular business location. You can search for a specific location using by its Name, Code, or ID.

Setting Up Your Business Location

To set up a new business location, open your Web Admin and click the Ecommerce tab located on the left side of the screen. Click the Business Management menu and select Location.

Inside the Location window, click the Add Location (+) icon found on the top right corner.

The Location Add page contains the different fields you need to fill up to create a business location. Once you’ve provided the required information, click the Disk icon found at the top right corner of your screen to save the data you entered.

Editing an Existing Business Location

To edit an existing Location, open your Location main window and double-click the branch you want to edit. Once you’re inside its Location Profile, click the Pencil icon on the top right corner of the screen.

This will take you to the Location Edit window where you can edit your branch’s information. After making the necessary changes, click Disk icon found on the top right corner to save your work.

