ECommerce - Product Attributes - Setting Up Your Product Attributes

The Product Attributes feature lets you create attributes and give them equivalent attribute values. These attributes and values will be displayed in your website’s product list in the form of drop-down menus.

All your customers have to do is to select the values they want from the drop-down menus to make it easier for them to sort through your product list and find the items they want.

Accessing Your Product Attributes

To create your product attributes, open your website’s Web Admin and look for the Ecommerce tab on the left navigation.

Open the tab, click Store Management and select Product Attributes to open the Product Attributes window on the right side of your screen.

The Product Attributes window displays the list of attributes created along with the following information: ID, Code, Name and SortOrder.

Creating Your Product Attributes

To create a new Product Attribute, click the Add Button (+) found on the top right section of the screen.

In the Attribute Add window, you’ll be asked to provide the following information:

  • Code - A unique description for your Product Attribute that will make it identifiable from the rest.
  • Name - The name that will be displayed on your website.
  • Sort Order - This will determine the order of the attribute once displayed on your website.

Once you’ve provided the necessary information, you can save your work by clicking the Disk icon located at the top right corner of the screen.

Adding Attribute Values

At the bottom of the profile page, click the Add Button (+) to open the Attribute Values Add window. Here’s you’ll be asked to input information for the following fields:

  • Value - This will make your Attribute Value distinct from the rest.
  • Description - Information placed here will appear in the drop-down menu of your website.
  • Sort Order - This will determine the hierarchy of the attribute values once they’re displayed in their respective attribute drop-down menus.

Once you’ve provided the information above, click the Disk icon located at the top right corner of the screen to save your new Attribute Value.

Attribute Values Profile Page

While maintenance of the Product Attribute Values should be done by editing the Product List downloaded through the Category Browser (in Excel format), the Attribute Values profile page does give you the option to assign products to a specific attribute value.

Just select an Attribute Value and open its profile page. Click the Add button (+) found at the bottom of the screen to access the Product Search window.

Select the product you want to add to the Attribute Value. To add more products, just select the Add button (+) again and select the item you want add.

This eliminates the need of having to go through the entire Product List downloaded from your website’s Category Browser.

