E-Commerce Email Templates - B2COrder Submit to User

The B2COrder Submit to User e-mail template is sent to the B2C customer once the order has been submitted.

The e-mail template contains the following information pertaining to the transaction made by the customer: Order Number, Date Placed, Ship To (name of user), Description, Pickup Location, Shipping Address, City, State Code, Zip Code, Phone Number, Comments, Item Description, Quantity, Sub-total, and the Total Amount.

Additionally, the B2COrder Submit to User e-mail template provides the customer with e-mail addresses (Email Us field) they can use to get in touch with their designated clerk.

Be sure not to alter the template’s Defined Variables. These are the text found in the brackets ([[=sample text/variable]]). These system-defined variables will change based on the customer’s information. For an in-depth look at what these variables are, you can check our post here.

