App Core Email Templates - Generic Form Builder

The Generic Form Builder email template is currently used for IBOS' Career Opportunities online form. This email is automatically sent to applicants after they’ve filled out and submitted the form.

The Generic Form can also be converted to a form of the client choosing. Once this occurs, the information generated by the email template will also be adjusted to match the data of the new online form.

The email template contains a number of String Format elements which are divided into sections based on the information provided by the client. These elements represent the fields in the online form.

The number of String Format elements and the email template’s length is dependent on the length of the online form that was created.

Be sure not to alter the template’s Defined Variables. These are the text found in the brackets ([[=sample text/variable]]). These system-defined variables will change based on the customer’s information. For an in-depth look at what these variables are, you can check our post here.

