Email Templates - The Basics

The Email Templates section contains various pre-formatted emails your system will send your customers. These emails address the different services and functionality of the IBOS 3.0 website including registration, account activation, product quotations and orders.

The Emails are divided into two sections: AppCore and ECommerce.

The AppCore section contains email templates that primarily address concerns related to a user accounts. Email Templates under this section address concerns such as registration, account activation, rejecting of account activation and new password requests.

The ECommerce section consists of emails that address the users’ e-commerce concerns. Emails in this section are used to reply to quote and order submissions, payments and shipments.

Accessing Your Email Templates

To access the E-mail Templates section, go to Web Admin and click on the Configuration Tabs found at the left side of the screen. Click the EMail Templates button to bring up the EMail Templates screen.

Both AppCore and ECommerce have their own set of e-mail templates which can be accessed by clicking the arrow on their left. Selecting the e-mail template allows you to see its contents.

To change the contents of the email, select template you want to edit then just type in or paste the new copy in the Plain Text window.

During editing, avoid making changes to the System-Defined Variables.

System-Defined Variables are the texts enclosed in double brackets ( ex. [[=UserAccount.EMail]] ) that are designed to change depending upon the user’s information. To learn more about these system-defined variables, check our Help File that gives a more in-depth rundown of these Email Templates System-Defined Variables.

Once you’re done editing your e-mail template, click the Save button at the lower right side of the screen to save your work.

