Integration - Connectors

The Integration feature gives you access to your website’s Connector. The Connector technology is the heart of the IBOS system since it serves as the interface between IBOS website and your backend database. It provides administrator access to the site’s database from any computer, anywhere, and at any time through the My Account feature. Once open, it displays the tasks currently being run by the system. The tasks that the Connector runs can also be configured using this feature.

To view the tasks currently being processed, click the Connectors menu under the Integration tab.

This will bring up the Connector Tasks window on the right side of the screen. The Connector Tasks window displays two tables. The first is the Scheduled Tasks table and the second is the Running Tasks table.

The Scheduled Tasks table displays all of your website’s scheduled tasks, along with a variety of important information about it such as the Task ID, the Task being processed, the Connector’s last running process (Last Run), and its Next Run schedule. It also provides a Comments field that displays added information about the task for the next user to read.

The Running Tasks table on the other hand displays the tasks currently being processed by your Connector system. The table shows information about the task in process such as the Task ID, Task name, Run Time, and Status.

Add a Scheduled Task

The Connector feature gives you the capabilities to add tasks for processing. Once added to the list of Scheduled tasks, it will fall in queue with the other tasks that are in line for processing.

To add a specific task, click on the Add Scheduled Task button on the lower right section of the Scheduled Tasks table.

This will bring up the Select Task window. The Select Task window displays list of tasks available for processing by the Connector.

To add a particular task you to your schedule, just pick one from the list and click the Select button. This will bring up the Edit Task Schedule window.

In the Edit Task Schedule window, you can edit the schedule of the task you’ve chosen as well as modify other settings including its starting date and time, frequency, and interval. Once you’ve configured your task’s schedule, click the Save button.

Stop Running Task

In the event that you want to stop a task that’s currently being processed by the Connector, you can do so by using the Stop Running Task button found at the bottom of the Running Tasks table.

Just select the task you want to stop and then click the Stop Running Task button to stop the process for running.

