Subscriptions - Subscriptions Direct

The Subscriptions Direct feature houses the email address of customers who subscribed to your newsletter and email promotions. Emails listed here can be added manually through Web Admin or whenever a customer provides their email address through the sign-up field placed in your website.

Adding Emails Using the Sign-Up Field

One way of populating your Subscription Direct listing is by having a sign-up field placed in your website.

Aside from eliminating the hassle of adding emails manually, acquiring subscribers using a sign-up field shows their interest in getting updates from you. From a marketing standpoint, this is beneficial since you’re assured that those who sign up genuinely want to hear from you and won’t mark you as spam.

Manually Adding an Email to Your Subscription Direct Listing

Another way to add an email to your Subscription Direct list is by entering them manually in Web Admin. However, before adding an email to your list, make sure you have the consent of the customer to avoid them marking any of emails you send to them as spam.

To add an email select the Subscriptions Direct sub-menu and click the Add button (+) found at the upper right corner.

This will bring up the SubscriptionDirect Add window. Type-in the e-mail address you want to add to your list.

Next, select the group you want this subscriber to be a part of by choosing from one of your groups found in your Subscription Group list. This can be done by clicking the Subscription Groups [..] button beside the data field.

A pop out menu will appear and let you choose the subscription group of your new subscriber. To select a group, just double click the group’s name.

Lastly, be sure to check the Active check box and the UseHTML check box.

The Active check box activates the email account and keeps it that way (until it is unchecked) while the UseHTML check box lets the subscriber receive his or her e-mail blasts in HTML format.

Once you’ve provided the necessary information, click the Save icon at the upper right corner to add the new email subscriber to the Subscriptions Direct listing. the system once you save your entry.

