User Calendar

The User Calendar feature gives you an online calendar that can display all your company’s current events. The feature is manageable via Web Admin and gives you the ability to add, edit and delete entries in your calendar.

The User Calendar displays all the events for a particular month in one page. The name or title of the event is shown on the date when it will be held.

Placing your mouse on top of the event’s name/title will provide you with more details about it including the date, time, its location and a brief description of what the event is all about.

Clicking on an event will direct you to any of the following pages:

  • A customized HTML page containing information about the event on the selected Calendar Date.
  • A default page that contains the basic information about the event (date, time, location). The page also allows you to sign up for the event.

Search Filters

The Calendar feature also provides a number of search options to make it easier for you to look for particular events:

Events In - Displays events listed for a particular month. Just select a month and you’ll be directed to the month you selected.

Location - This search option displays only the events that will be held in location you chose.

Search - The Search feature allows you to find a specific event in the calendar month currently on display. This can be done by typing the name of the event in the text box provided.

Display Feature

The new Calendar is defaulted to show events per month. However, it does provide you the option of displaying events per day.

This can be triggered by clicking the List link at the top right corner of the page. Once it’s selected, the format of the calendar will change and display the upcoming events per day and in a list format.

