ECommerce - Store Management - Tax Rate

The Tax Rate feature allows you to set the tax rate for each of your store branches. If your business has a number of branches in different locations, you’ll need to set up the tax rates for each one to bill your customers properly.

To set up the Tax Rate of your stores, go to your website’s My Account page and select Web Admin.

Select the ECommerce tab found in the left and click the arrow beside the Store Management link to access its sub-menus. Click on Tax Rates to bring up the Tax Rates main window on the right.

The Tax Rates main window provides you with a list of your store location along with their corresponding tax rates. It allows you to add, edit, and delete the tax rates set for each branch. It also gives you a variety of search options to make it easier to look for the rates you’ve set up. Including in the list are: ID, Region, Rate, and Limit.

Adding A Tax Rate

To add a new Tax Rate profile, click the Tax Rate Add button (+) found at the top-right corner of your screen.

You will need to fill up the following fields to set up your tax rates:

  • Description: This will serve as the label of your tax rate.
  • Region: This represents your store location. When you set one up, you’ll be asked to input a Region code. Simply type in the code you set when you created your store location in the Location feature under Business Management. Learn how to set up the store location by clicking here.
  • Rate: This is in percentage so the number you enter here reflects the percentage you want your Tax Rate to be. For example, typing "5" will give you 5% tax.
  • Limit: This is the number of items that you want your tax rate to apply to.

Once you’ve filled up the necessary information, click the Save button (Disk icon) at the top right corner to save your work.

Editing An Existing Tax Rate Profile

If you want to edit an existing Tax Rate profile, simply double-click the tax rate you want to make changes to.

Once you’re inside the Tax Rate Profile screen, click on the Pencil icon at the top right.

This will take you to the Tax Rate Edit window where you’ll be able to make the changes you want.

