My Account - Vendor Price Catalogs

The Vendor Price Catalog section displays the various price sheets created for your website. The price sheets posted in this page can be based on an existing product or category list. Each one can be accessed and viewed by clicking its image. Customers are also given a brief description - found after each image header - about what each price sheet offers.

The catalog price sheets are converted to PDF format making them accessible to any browser. They can also be downloaded and saved into your computer for printing.

Downloaded Catalog

The Vendor Price Catalog provides a list of clickable product links to direct users faster to their corresponding Product Details pages. By doing this, it eliminates the hassle of searching for the item on the catalog.

In terms of design, the Catalog comes with a basic layout displaying the company logo, address, contact information and the catalog image used for the listing.

To learn more about creating a Vendor Price Catalog, click here.

To find out how you can add a category or product to an existing Vendor Price Catalog, click here.

