ECommerce - Accounts - Customers

The Accounts section found under the Ecommerce tab contains your directory of Customers.

The Customers section displays the list of customers which can be linked or assigned to your registered user accounts.

This feature makes it easy for you to browse through your customers by giving you the option to search for them using a combination of a customer’s ID, Account Number, Account Name, First Name or Last Name.

The Customers section also provides you with the capability to create a new customer account. However, this account needs have a pre-existing customer number and Salesperson before it can be saved to the directory.

To add a new customer, click the Add (+) button on the right of the screen. Enter the customer’s name, set its Status (Active, OnHold, Closed) and check whether it will be Web Enabled. Once the details - along with the pre-existing data - are in order, click the Save button to add the new customer.

Aside from adding a new customer, the feature lets you remove one from the list as well. This can be done by clicking the Delete (X) button on the top-right section of the page.

For an in-depth look on how to edit an existing Customer account, check out the Help File here.

To learn more about a Customer account’s Tabs, click here to read its Help File.

